Monday, November 23, 2009


was a good night afterall.

With the rain, my unfinished homework, I was really on the verge of calling Caroline to tell her that I wasn't feeling up to going to the language exchan
ge afterall.
There's a famous little English bookshop here called "Shakespeare&Co.". Apparently, on Monday nights they host a cozy language exchange group. It sounded like a good outing, and since tonight's one of the few nights I won't be working this week, we decided to give it a try.
We met there are 8:30, only to find out that it's been changed to Thursdays. Oh well. We browsed, and, as always, I was oh so tempted by oh so much, despite the oh so towering tower of book I've yet to finish off my own shelf.
So when we'd touched enough covers, and read enough back pages, we decided to find a café, comme d'habitude.
We strolled down a wet street, turned down another, and finally found a little creperie that looked just right, and smelled even better. It was the kind of crepe place that made you decide that if there were a heaven, it would smell like crepes.

Now I'm home, and telling myself to begin the seemingly endless process of starting my homework.
I find that starting the work is generally harder than the work itself.


from cali 8:09 PM  

Ah Shakespeare & Co! The original owner was American as is the current proprietor.

I just looked at the Wiki page and the young writers who are given room and board are known as "tumbleweeds." That I didn't know! No wonder you felt right at home!